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Effort and Reward don't always go together each day. #istressless not easy at times...

With revising for end of year tests and everything else, this is a tough time but I am trying to push on. Last week was #MHAW but trying not to #istressless is easier than it sounds at times.

Anyway, firstly thanks to Dee and Dorset Mind, Ty and the Halo team and more for being there. You know who you are.

Also, congrats to the Dorset Mind Your Head team on the new logo and #istressless initiative that went live in some Dorset schools last week.

Moving on, when you start a project with the best of intentions and have a plan, it doesn’t always work out the way you thought it would. It sure doesn’t on some levels for sure! Sheeeshhh.... I am trying people. Just remember what I am trying to nail here with some support. It is all new.

Trying to have schools engage with my overall initiative and the #BeTeMagic Ball has been A LOT harder than I thought it ever would be.

I had high hopes for both myself and those around to try and get staff at schools to engage but the only time we had success was via students themselves. Some from other schools that we did not initially target and thank you for getting in contact.

Perhaps that tells a story in itself. Thanks to those magical students. You know who you are. You’ll be rewarded.

Anyway, from paper tickets to sales reps and now the online portal for our tickets... it’s been a rollercoaster. To be honest it has blown my mind. It would be very difficult without family support but it is a journey to embrace.

Anyway, if you heard the rumour, yes it’s true, we go live with actual ticket sales imminently and some schools are going to get 48 hours exclusive time to get tickets before other sales windows begin.

The exception is those already with a festival band who will get first dibs on ALL tickets. Don’t worry there are only about 75 of you at the moment.

If you didn’t get a festival wrist band, please don’t shout at me. Many schools were contacted (email, social media, via connections and other efforts) and they were just too slow to progress. I wanted to give many of you the chance to get a festival band and a pre sale opportunity. Maybe next time.

So, here we go.... These are the sales windows as they stand today:

#BeTheMagic Band Holders Pre Sale: Open 7pm TONIGHT to May 24th 6.59pm

Parkstone Grammar School: Open 7pm May 24th to May 26th at 6.59pm

Poole Grammar School: Open 7pm May 26th to May 28th at 6.59pm

Lytchett Minster School: Open 7pm May 28th to May 30th at 6.59pm

Other Sales Slots to be added when we can before Open Sale in June.

Please note, there is a form with some boxes for parents to check when processing your order via the online system.

There is also a 5.95% admin fee plus a £1 ticket postage charge per ticket booking.

Everyone has said they wanted a paper ticket but without many schools engaging quickly enough we’ve had to amend the process and your ticket will be posted after your order is complete.

This has also been necessary based on new Data rules etc.

Thanks for your patience but the paper ticket process was contingent on getting some responses from local schools and it just did not happen quickly enough.

This is going to be an awesome night to end the year and to promote the great activities of those we are supporting.

So, get ready...

Do you want to do something magical? Please contact us if you do or if you have undertaken a great deed to help another child.

Please follow our social media channels for ongoing news.

Thanks again

Be The Magic

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