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#BeTheMagic Ball TICKETS Pre Sale Now Open

Guaranteed Tickets via wristband purchase available NOW!

I have been asked about tickets in my school (Parkstone Grammar) and from many girls who have connections to those that want tickets in Poole Grammar. I have now undertaken a short assembly promotion in my school and would be happy to come to your school to do the same if you can organise that. By the way, thanks to my new helpers. You know who you are. You know how to #BeTheMagic!

Some schools are a little slow off the mark however and I would ask you to do all you can to get your school or a representative from your school to contact us urgently.

Specific schools, due to existing connections have the opportunity to offer tickets first up to 23.59 on June 10th.

These schools were detailed in my previous post.

There is one exception due to the keeness of a student rep to get involved and that is with the addition of Lytchett Minster School.

You will know who is leading promotions when the time comes. Guaranteed standard ticket as a minimum can be secured through a purchase of a #BeTheMagic festival wristband (£2).

If you want to get involved and be the official student sales rep in your school, you could see yourself become a VIP for the night.

We have posters and materials available to you if you want to be the driver in your school. Giving your connections the chance to come and experience Halo Bournemouth will be worth it.

Remaining tickets will be go on general sale and be open to all schools and/or approved student sales representatives who wish to offer them from Midnight June 11th for a four week window inclusive.

Any school that wants it's students to have the chance to buy or attend really does need to get in contact urgently.

This is going to be a great night to let your hair down and feel engaged with others in an initiative that is looking to make a difference for us kids.

We want to help more kids do great things that help other kids. That is the spirit of #BeTheMagic and this is my first event to show you really can do anything if you put your mind to it.

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